Kenny dismisses row as 'non-issue'

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has dismissed the apparent disquiet in his party over his leadership and insisted he remains focused…

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has dismissed the apparent disquiet in his party over his leadership and insisted he remains focused on winning the next election.

Last week, Waterford TD John Deasy said Mr Kenny should step down as party leader if Fine Gael does not win the next election. Mr Deasy also expressed an interest in succeeding the Mayo TD.

Mr Kenny this morning insisted the controversy was a "non-issue".

"Some people have tried to make a mountain out of something that is not an issue," he told RTE's Morning Ireland. "The Fine Gael party has never been as united or never been as focused on winning the next general election.


"And standing in the last tracking poll at 27 per cent, we have never been as strong in the pre-election period."

He said he was calling on all 35,000 Fine Gael members, from TDs to election workers, to "pull together" to help the party secure victory in the forthcoming poll.

Mr Kenny cut short a holiday to Scotland last week to deal with the disquiet. He wrote a letter to Mr Deasy rebuking him for his comments. Mr Kenny did not say this morning if he had received a response.