Kidnap accused tells trial of mother's threats

The man accused of kidnapping Shannon Matthews in England earlier this year told police the schoolgirl's mother had offered him…

The man accused of kidnapping Shannon Matthews in England earlier this year told police the schoolgirl's mother had offered him money and threatened him into looking after the youngster, a court was told today.

Jurors at Leeds Crown Court also heard Michael Donovan had taken Shannon out to parks and on visits to local shops during the 24 days she was missing from home, the Press Association reported.

Karen Matthews (33) and Mr Donovan (40) are accused of kidnapping and falsely imprisoning Shannon who went missing from her home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, in February and March this year when she was nine. They deny the charges.

The court heard that in a prepared statement given to police after his arrest, Mr Donovan said he had been approached by Ms Matthews who asked him if he could look after one of her sons.

"She then asked me to take care of Shannon and again said there would be money in it for me," the court heard.

Mr Donovan then said Ms Matthews threatened to "get three lads on to me".

"I know one of the people she mentioned had stabbed a man and killed him. I was frightened if I didn't do it they'd come after me," he said.

Mr Donovan told officers that Shannon would watch cartoons on television in his flat but he had also taken her on trips out, including visiting local shops, when she would sit in the back of his car with her coat on and hood up.

On three occasions he took her to local parks.

Ms Matthews had phoned to tell him the reward money had gone up and that if it reached £50,000 she would contact him again, he said.

He told the officers he was frightened and not interested in the reward money.

In interviews Ms Matthews gave to police, she said that she had only asked Mr Donovan to look after Shannon for a day to help her leave her partner Craig Meehan.

"It just went pear-shaped. It didn't go to plan," she told officers, saying she wanted Shannon not to be hurt by her relationship breaking up.

The court heard she called police to say Shannon had vanished in order to cover her back if Mr Meehan found out.

She said she had then decided not to go through with leaving Mr Meehan because he was violent towards her and she was frightened of him. She also denied any interest in the reward money.

The trial continues.