Kilkenny hospital probe into unnecessary caesarian

An investigation has been launched into an unnecessary caesarean section which was carried out on a mother in a Kilkenny hospital…

An investigation has been launched into an unnecessary caesarean section which was carried out on a mother in a Kilkenny hospital, it emerged today.

It is understood the woman had been told she was expecting twins during her pregnancy.

But when she naturally delivered only one baby at St Luke's Hospital, a caesarean was carried out and surgeons then discovered she was only pregnant with one child.

The South Eastern Health Board refused to comment on the case on grounds of patient confidentiality but announced the formation of an independent review team to probe the incident.


Chief Executive Officer Pat McLoughlin said former head of the Blood Transfusion Services Board, Martin Hynes, Pauline Treanor, Director of Midwifery at Dublin's Rotunda Hospital and retired consultant obstetrician Dr Jack Gallagher would receive any help and access required.

He said the team had been asked to commence the review as soon as possible.

"The definitive time frame for the completion of this investigation is a matter for the team to decide," he said.

"However, I have requested the report to be completed at the earliest possible opportunity and any recommendations that may come from the investigation to be implemented as soon as possible."