Labour attacks Government over health charges

The Labour Party has accused the Government of "deliberately" introducing a hike in health charges to coincide with the Dail’…

The Labour Party has accused the Government of "deliberately" introducing a hike in health charges to coincide with the Dail’s summer recess.

The party said the move was designed specifically so the Government could avoid parliamentary questions.

Labour spokesperson on Consumer Affairs, Ms Mary Upton, described it as "cynical" and "underhand".

A spokesman for the Government dismissed the criticism saying it was typical of opposition parties to make those type of statements.


He said there were "practical reasons" for introducing the increases at this time.

From today the monthly threshold for the drugs refund scheme will rise from €53.33 to €65. It is estimated that 1.15 million people are currently availing of the scheme.

It will cost €40 now instead of €31.70 to visit a casualty unit without a letter from your GP. The Minster for Health, Mr Micheál Martin, has also sanctioned an 18 per cent increase in VHI rates.

Ms Upton said today thousands of people across the State will begin to feel the pinch of the recent increase in health charges.

She said: "The cutbacks in the health service are being introduced deliberately at this time of year, when the Government is completely unaccountable to the people.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times