Labour facing court threat over NI members

The Labour party in Britain is tonight put on standby for another legal action over its members in Northern Ireland.

The Labour party in Britain is tonight put on standby for another legal action over its members in Northern Ireland.

The GMB (General Municipal Boilermakers) union's finance committee backed plans by Belfast trades unionist Andy McGivern to take the party to court over its refusal to allow Northern Ireland members to set up constituency associations.

Mr McGivern last year succeeded in forcing the Labour party's hierarchy to end its ban on Northern Ireland members.

The ban was overturned at last year's party conference after the then general secretary David Truesman warned Labour could have lost a legal bid by Mr McGivern to declare the ban racist.
 "The new legal action which I am taking with GMB support will like the original legal action be taken in the County Court in London," Mr McGivern said tonight.


"We will be arguing that the failure to give Labour members in Northern Ireland the same rights as their counterparts in England, Scotland and Wales is once again discriminatory.

"As I have said in the past, this is not a route that I and other Labour party members in Northern Ireland wanted to go down.

"It is with a heavy heart that we do this but the reality is that we are not being allowed to set up constituency associations, represent people in Northern Ireland who want an active Labour party and we are not being allowed to nominate people from constituencies to party conferences."