Labour Party expels former Cork councillor

A former Labour Party councillor in Cork has been expelled by the party’s complaints committee.

A former Labour Party councillor in Cork has been expelled by the party’s complaints committee.

In a brief statement, the party said a complaint that Mr Joe O’Callaghan was running as an independent candidate in Cork North Central in the general election had been upheld.

Two other complaints against him concerning allegedly racist comments made on radio were dropped by the five member complaints body following his expulsion.

Mr O'Callaghan told ireland.comthe decision was unjust to a party member of 30 years standing and a senior member of the national executive for 12 years.


He admitted announcing his candidacy as an independent "a couple of weeks ago". Mr O’Callaghan said he did not attend the disciplinary hearing because there was no point.

He suggested that the party had reneged on an agreement to run two candidates in the constituency and that was why he was running as an independent. He added he was "quietly confident".

However, a spokesman for the Labour Party said when Ms Shelia O’Callaghan (no relation) lost her seat as a councillor it was decided to only run one candidate.

The Labour candidate for Cork North Central is councillor Ms Kathleen Lynch.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times