Lawlor's wife seeks to have land rezoned

The wife of former Fianna Fáil TD Mr Liam Lawlor is seeking to have the family home in Lucan rezoned to allow for "fast-track…

The wife of former Fianna Fáil TD Mr Liam Lawlor is seeking to have the family home in Lucan rezoned to allow for "fast-track" high-density housing development.

Mrs Hazel Lawlor wants Somerton House and its grounds included in a 550-acre area in Lucan designated for the creation of a new town, to be known as Adamstown, which is projected to have a population of more than 20,000.

In a written observation, Mrs Lawlor has asked An Bord Pleanála to include the property in the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone (SDZ), designated by the Government in 2001.

According to Mrs Lawlor's observation, Somerton was included when the original plan for Adamstown was put on public display but "now for no explained or justifiable reason, the house and lands have now been excluded". The house is "very much part" of the zone, she maintains.


Last week, her husband told the planning tribunal that ownership of the house had been transferred to Mrs Lawlor's name alone. However, a few days later, he said this process had not yet been completed.

The tribunal holds a lien of about €500,000 over the house in respect of legal bills arising from Mr Lawlor's proceedings against the tribunal and his unsuccessful attempts to avoid being jailed for failing to co-operate with the inquiry.

This matter is due to be heard by the Taxing Master.

An oral hearing by An Bord Pleanála into South Dublin County Council's controversial decision to create the Adamstown SDZ starts in the Gresham Hotel next Monday. It is expected to last three to five days.

The decision is being appealed by a variety of residents' groups, landowners and developers, individuals, Superquinn and Lucan golf club.

One of the appellants is Maplewood Homes, which bought more than 20 acres of Mr Lawlor's former land in the mid-1990s and a further acre from the politician two years ago.

Last week, the tribunal heard that £100,000 sterling of the sale price in the latter transaction was paid under the counter to Mr Lawlor in Britain.

Inquiries by The Irish Times to Mrs Lawlor were dealt with by her husband yesterday.

Mr Lawlor said they were "looking for nothing" except for the reinstatement of Somerton in the SDZ. They are also seeking access from the proposed new road network to their house.

Mr Lawlor questioned plans to put 8,000 to 10,000 homes in the area when, he claimed, the same number of houses was deemed totally unsuitable in the 1980s. "If you live long enough you will see it all," he commented.

At least two of the residents' groups have written to the tribunal chairman, Judge Alan Mahon, asking him to send an observer to next week's hearings.

Mr Lawlor's earlier attempts to rezone his land in Lucan ended in controversy.

In 1980, 20 acres owned by the politician were among 150 acres rezoned by Dublin County Council, a fact that only emerged after the vote. The decision was rescinded a year later.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.