Lay organisation for Catholics to promote 'spirit of Vatican II'

A NEW lay organisation for Irish Catholics has been set up to promote “the letter and spirit of Vatican II”

A NEW lay organisation for Irish Catholics has been set up to promote “the letter and spirit of Vatican II”. Its interim title is to be the Association of Catholics in Ireland.

A draft statement of objectives says it is committed to “the renewal of the Catholic faith in the changed and changing circumstances of the 21st century and to the reform of the institutional church which, at this time, is experiencing conflict, crisis and lack of credibility”.

It speaks of “the right of all the baptised to have their voices heard (sensus fidelium) in the formation of church teaching, and to participate fully in the life of the church, including decision-making at parish, diocesan, national and international levels”.

Membership is open to all who agree with its objectives.


On May 30th last, a steering group was set up to establish such an association of lay Catholics at a meeting in All Hallows College, Dublin, which was attended by about 200 people.

Organiser Noel McCann said then that there was “a need for such an organisation because people are scattered around the country feeling the frustrations that are part and parcel of being a Catholic today as a lay person”.

The steering group recently met the Association of Catholic Priests at which agreement to establish a separate and independent lay organisation was discussed. It was agreed the draft statement of objectives of the Association of Catholics would be posted on the priests' website,

Discussion of those objectives will be facilitated at two planned priests’ gatherings in the autumn. Those are “Towards an Assembly for the West” at the Clayton Hotel in Galway on Saturday, October 6th, and “Towards an Assembly for the South” at the Commons Inn, Mallow Road, Cork, on Saturday, October 13th.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times