Lenihan 'eager' for justice

POLITICAL REACTION: MINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan has responded to the arrest of the former chairman and chief executive…

POLITICAL REACTION:MINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan has responded to the arrest of the former chairman and chief executive of Anglo Irish Bank Sean FitzPatrick by saying he was eager to see justice taking its course.

“I have always stated there is an extensive Garda investigation under way,” said Mr Lenihan. “I have been cautious not to prejudice that investigation and am eager to see justice take its course.” The Minister said multiple investigations were continuing into the activities of Anglo Irish Bank. These are being conducted by the Financial Regulator, the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation and the Office of Director of Corporate Enforcement.

Green Party leader and Minister for the Environment John Gormley said the investigation into Anglo Irish Bank was an important one but it was entirely a matter for the Garda.

Labour Party finance spokeswoman Joan Burton said the investigation appeared to have been proceeding at a snail’s pace since the high-profile raid by gardaí on the Anglo Irish Bank headquarters.


“Comparisons have been drawn, in particular, between the speed with which Bernie Madoff was brought to justice in the United States and the slow progress of the investigation into banking irregularities in this country,” she said.

Ms Burton added that yesterday’s development came at a time when Anglo’s results for the 15 months from the date of the bank guarantee to December 31st, 2009 were still awaited.

“Everything we are hearing would suggest that these accounts will confirm horrendous losses by the bank and further demands for a taxpayer bailout beyond the €4 billion which has already been pumped into the bank,” she said.

Ms Burton added irresponsible conduct had helped place a millstone around the neck of Irish taxpayers for generations to come.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times