Live register figure hits three-year high

The number of people out of work in Ireland rose again last month to bring the seasonally adjusted figure to 173,000.

The number of people out of work in Ireland rose again last month to bring the seasonally adjusted figure to 173,000.

The figure was 2,881 ahead of March and 14,703 higher than the same month last year. The live register is at its highest level since December 1999.

The unemployment rate rose from 4.5 per cent to 4.6 per cent, according to figures released today from the Central Statistics Office. This compares to 4.2 per cent unemployment in April 2002.

The seasonally adjusted live register figures show females accounted for the whole of the increase in those signing on in March. There was a fall of 131 in the number of men on the register.


On an unadjusted basis, there were rises in the numbers signing on in all geographic areas apart from the south west.

The live register includes just over 24,000 casual and part-time works, the majority of them female.

Although the live register is not considered the most accurate barometer of employment, as it includes part-time, seasonal and casual workers drawing benefit, the results are in line with previous estimates.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times