Luas talk

ELIZABETH FAGAN/IT consultant, Harcourt Street: I live in Sandyford. Luas will cut my commuting time in half, maybe more

ELIZABETH FAGAN/IT consultant, Harcourt Street: I live in Sandyford. Luas will cut my commuting time in half, maybe more. My journey can take between an hour and an hour and a half.

From my house it's a five-minute walk to the bus stop where I wait up to 10 minutes. On a wet morning, the trip can take up to an hour and 20 minutes. One day it took the bus 20 minutes and five changes of lights, to get across the yellow box under the Luas bridge in Dundrum.

On the Luas, it should take no more than 15 minutes to walk to the station in Balally and a 20 minutes to Harcourt Street where it will stop at the entrance to my office. I can't wait.