Main Points

Articles 35.4 of the Constitution should be amended to make the impeachment procedure for a judge similar to that for the President…

Articles 35.4 of the Constitution should be amended to make the impeachment procedure for a judge similar to that for the President.

A Judicial Council should be established to draw up a judicial code of ethics. The council should be made up of judges, retired members of the judiciary, and lay people.

The present system of the appointment of judges should be retained.

A judge may omit the religious references in taking the oath on entering office.


The Constitution Review Group recommendation that courts such as the Special Criminal Court should comply with the requirements of Articles 34 and 35 of the Constitution, which include the requirement that justice be administered in public, should be upheld.

The number of Supreme Court judges who sit to determine the validity of laws should continue to be regulated by legislation rather than enumerated expressly in Article 34 of the Constitution.