Man arrested over sex assault

Gardai have arrested a man in connection with their investigation into a serious sex assault in Galway last Thursday.

Gardai have arrested a man in connection with their investigation into a serious sex assault in Galway last Thursday.

The 27 year-old man was arrested following a number of searches were carried out on the east side of the city.

The assault took place between 1am and 4am on Thursday at Walter Macken Road and St. James's Pitches, Mervue.

Gardai have called on anyone who may have been in the vicinity of St. James's Pitches, Walter Macken Road, on Wednesday night or Thursday morning to contact them.


They are particularly anxious to talk to a man who cycled through St. James's Pitches at the time and to another young man who met the victim in a distressed state, not far from Walter Macken Road, after the attack.

The arrested man is being held at Galway Garda Station under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.