Man given suspended sentence for sex assault

A MAN WHO sexually assaulted a woman as she went to open her front door was given a suspended sentence yesterday.

A MAN WHO sexually assaulted a woman as she went to open her front door was given a suspended sentence yesterday.

Construction worker Josef Bykowski (39), a Polish national, had been working in Ireland at the time but is now unemployed, Trim Circuit Court heard.

The woman (43) was left traumatised and injured.

Judge Michael O'Shea said it was frightening and painful for her. She was vulnerable as she was on her own, and Bykowski "took advantage of this".


He imposed a 2½-year sentence which he suspended on condition that Bykowski enter into a bond to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for three years. He also placed him on the sex offenders' register for three years.

Bykowski was also charged with being drunk in a public place and was fined €126.

The court heard gardaí were alerted by a passerby who had seen the woman being attacked.

A garda told the court the woman was screaming for help as Bykowski pushed her against the door. When gardaí arrived Bykowski fled but was later arrested. He admitted the assault. His barrister said he was very drunk at the time and had apologised on a number of occasions.