Memorial to teenager killed in Belfast attacked

Vandals have wrecked a memorial to a teenager killed at a sectarian flashpoint in Belfast.

Vandals have wrecked a memorial to a teenager killed at a sectarian flashpoint in Belfast.

Protestant Thomas McDonald (16), was hit by a car as he rode his bike in
Whitewell Road at the height of rioting in September 2001.

A Catholic mother of six who chased him along a footpath after he threw a brick at her windscreen was later jailed for two years for his manslaughter.

But relatives of the dead youth claimed thugs who are targeting the site where
he died have struck again.


His father, also called Thomas, said: "I drove round to see what damage was

"There's just remains of flowers lying everywhere and the threads of a Union
Jack which had been burnt. They have obviously stood and burnt the stuff."

Mr McDonald added: "Where my son was killed people from the estate, friends
and family leave flowers there now and again.

"It's just one thing after another and if it's not the flowers being wrecked
it's graffiti on the wall."