Millions forced from homes by flooding in eastern India

INDIA: INDIAN ARMY troops helped evacuate more than 120,000 people from floods in eastern India, but more bad weather raised…

INDIA:INDIAN ARMY troops helped evacuate more than 120,000 people from floods in eastern India, but more bad weather raised fears that rivers would continue to overflow, officials said yesterday.

The flooding, which officials say is the worst in 50 years, was caused after the Kosi river burst a dam in Nepal where it originates, unleashing huge waves of water that smashed mud embankments downstream in Bihar state.

Many villagers offered prayers and slaughtered goats to appease the Kosi, known as Bihar's "river of sorrow" for its regular floods and tendency to change course.

"We are praying to the river goddess and offering her blood since only she can help us," said a village woman in the worst-affected Supaul district.


At least two million people have been forced from their homes and one-quarter of a million houses destroyed. So far, 55 deaths have been reported in Bihar, but activists and local media put the toll many times higher.

Stranded villagers complained of an unbearable stench from rotting carcasses and the United Nations warned of the spread of water-borne disease.

TV stations showed swirling flood waters pouring into homes through windows, submerging hundreds of villages and roads and railway tracks. Telephone and power lines snapped.

Torrential rains have killed more than 1,000 people in south Asia since the monsoon began in June, mainly in India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where 725 people have lost their lives. Other deaths were reported from Nepal and Bangladesh.

Some experts blame the floods on heavier monsoon rains caused by global warming, while others say authorities have failed to take preventive measures and improve infrastructure.

Prime minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, head of the ruling Congress party, flew over devastated areas by helicopter yesterday. Mr Singh later announced that more helicopters would be used to rescue thousands of villagers marooned in distant villages and assured more financial assistance. The United States announced a flood-relief package for the victims. Aid agencies, including Unicef are in Bihar distributing food, clothes and medicines.

State officials said more than 120,000 had been evacuated and kept in more than 100 temporary camps, but bad weather was hampering rescue and relief operations. "We have the army, disaster management teams, police and other groups of rescuers making every effort to save the population," said RK Singh, a top disaster management official.

Floods had destroyed more than 227,000 homes and damaged about 100,000 hectares (247,000 acres) of vegetables, wheat and paddy crops.

- (Reuters)

Hindu fury: 11 killed in Indian clashes

BHUBANESWAR:Hindu mobs ransacked a church and clashed with Christian villagers in eastern India yesterday, police said. Indian authorities have struggled to control spiralling religious violence in the eastern state of Orissa.

Hindu mobs have destroyed more than a dozen churches and attacked Christians this week after the murder of a Hindu leader in Kandhamal, a tribal area where Christian missionaries have been active for years.

Shoot-on-sight orders have failed to end clashes that have killed at least 11 people, mainly in Kandhamal district.

The killings have drawn international reaction. Pope Benedict has condemned the violence against Christians in Orissa but also deplored the killing of the Hindu leader.

Yesterday, Italy's foreign ministry said it will summon India's ambassador to demand "incisive action" to prevent further attacks against Christians. - (Reuters)