Serbian police have filed charges against former president Slobodan Milosevicand several of his allies for abducting and killing a former president nearlythree years ago.
The charges come weeks after the remains of former Serbian president IvanStambolic were found during an investigation into the March 12th assassination ofprime minister Zoran Djindjic.
Stambolic once was Milosevic's mentor, but the two politicians later becamebitter rivals.
District prosecutor Mr Nenad Ukropina said police filed charges against ninepeople - including Milosevic and his former state security chief, RadomirMarkovic - for the abduction and murder of Stambolic in August 2000.
Police alleged that Stambolic was killed by members of a special paramilitarypolice unit formed by Milosevic and loyal to him. Milosevic and Markovic areaccused of "inciting" the Stambolic murder.
The police charges prepare for possible legal proceedings against Milosevicand the others. It is now up to Serbian courts to raise formal charges, but theyusually accept the police evidence.
Milosevic is on trial at the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlandsfor his role in the wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo.
It was unclear whether police planned to also charge against Milosevic's wife,Mirjana Markovic, who is also wanted for questioning in connection with theStambolic case. She is believed to be hiding in Russia.