Minister begins drive against street crime

MINISTER FOR Justice Dermot Ahern has begun a major public consultation process aimed largely at devising ways to prevent so-…

MINISTER FOR Justice Dermot Ahern has begun a major public consultation process aimed largely at devising ways to prevent so-called “street crime”, including theft, assault and public disorder.

Community groups, members of the public and other stakeholders are being asked to make submissions to the White Paper on crime currently under preparation.

Mr Ahern has released a discussion document on “crime prevention and community safety”. It is intended that those interested in making submissions would use the document to begin generating ideas.

The discussion document addresses a wide range of areas including reducing the opportunities for crime, helping communities tackle the causes of crime, intervening in the lives of at-risk young people and preventing reoffending, including among sex offenders.


Submissions can include suggestions on a wide variety of issues such as binge drinking, estate management, early school drop-out rates and identifying and tackling crime hot spots.

“As part of the White Paper process we are going to be looking at every aspect of tackling crime and it makes sense that we should start by considering how we can act to prevent or reduce its occurrence in the first place,” Mr Ahern said yesterday.

Submissions are being invited until the end of November.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times