You can now fill in the 1998 CAO application form on the Internet - besides being faster, more accurate and more environmentally friendly (look, no trees) there are no postal costs and it's £3 cheaper than the standard CAO fee. If you don't have Internet access, there is also a floppy disk version (Windows only) - £40 for the Windows 95 version, and £15 for the first disk of the DOS/Windows 3.1 version (then £1 for each additional disk).
info: tel 01-704-5558 The Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine includes abstracts from papers, guidelines for authors etc.
Croatia's great "cyberjournalist" Mario Profaca has gathered together info about Detainee 872686/X, better known as Carlos "the Jackal".
Brilliant "news for nerds" - you have to say's full address out loud to get the full effect.
"The Campaign to Keep Intra-EU Duty and Tax-Free after 1999".
Budweiser and Sky's UK World Cup '98 site.
Yet another footie service, this time a rather good one from Yahoo! UK. It gives updates on the top 55 teams in England and Scotland, with reports in RealAudio, statistics, and the chance to buy an overpriced gansai.
Chelsea FC is selling tickets (now of the non-FA Cup variety of course) via the Net - it has opened an online shop to sell club merchandise such as kit and souvenirs.
The official Winter Olympics Game Site in Japan.
Encyclopaedia Britannica's Internet Guide - it's BIG and very impressive (see review elsewhere on this page).
Need a name for a new baby? Prospective parents can find out what to avoid by checking the US Census Bureau's site, which has the most frequently occurring names in the States.