More drug services sought

The provision of facilities for drug addicts trying to beat their addiction is "lamentably inadequate", one of the country's …

The provision of facilities for drug addicts trying to beat their addiction is "lamentably inadequate", one of the country's best known social campaigners has said.

Sr Stanislaus Kennedy called on the Government to provide more drug-treatment facilities and better co-ordinated services for drug users.

Speaking at the Getting a Grip 2007 conference in Killarney, Co Kerry, yesterday, Sr Stanislaus said there was a "clear need" for increased provision of drug services, including detox treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare.

"Common sense, not to mention common humanity, would demand that there should be enough services available to allow any user who wants to obtain treatment to receive it without undue delay.


"At present, waiting lists for methadone treatment vary from location to location, but a two-year waiting list exists for some heroin users, for example homeless people," Sr Stanislaus said.

"And too often gaps in service-provision occur, meaning someone who has completed one stage of the recovery process is unable to access a service at the next stage."

She also called on the Government to invest more in preventive services, including the provision of better anti-drug education in schools and early intervention services.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times