Most in global poll say Bush win negative

US: A majority of people surveyed in a global poll think the re-election of George Bush as US president has made the world more…

US: A majority of people surveyed in a global poll think the re-election of George Bush as US president has made the world more dangerous and many of those surveyed view Americans negatively as well, the BBC said yesterday.

The BBC survey showed that only three countries - India, the Philippines and Poland - out of 21 polled thought the world was safer following Mr Bush's election win in November.

On average across all countries, 58 per cent of the 22,000 surveyed said they believed Mr Bush's re-election made the world more dangerous.

The survey found that 56 per cent of Americans thought Mr Bush's win was good for the world, with 39 per cent disagreeing.


Traditional US allies in western Europe, such as Britain (64 per cent), France (75 per cent), and Germany (77 per cent), were among the most negative about Mr Bush's re-election.

A majority in Italy (54 per cent) and Australia (61 per cent), which both have troops in Iraq, also thought his win had made the world more dangerous.

Anti-Bush sentiment was strongest in Turkey, with 82 per cent thinking his win was bad for peace, compared to just 6 per cent in support. - (Reuters)