Mulhall pleads guilty to covering up boyfriend's killing

KATHLEEN MULHALL has pleaded guilty to a charge of covering up the death of her boyfriend Farah Swaleh Noor.

KATHLEEN MULHALL has pleaded guilty to a charge of covering up the death of her boyfriend Farah Swaleh Noor.

Her two daughters, Linda and Charlotte Mulhall, were convicted in October 2006 in relation to the killing of Mr Noor whose headless torso was found in the Royal Canal in Dublin.

Mulhall (53), St Mary’s Park, Carlow, pleaded guilty to cleaning up the murder scene at Richmond Cottages, Ballybough, Dublin, knowing that the murder had taken place there. The offence of concealment is contrary to the 1997 Criminal Law Act.

Mulhall had originally been charged with nine offences relating to Mr Noor’s death, but the Director of Public Prosecutions accepted a guilty plea in relation to one charge.


Charlotte Mulhall was found guilty of the murder of Mr Noor (38), a Kenyan who had come to live in Ireland in 1999.

She was given a life sentence for the crime. Her sister Linda was found guilty of manslaughter and received 15 years. Both sisters have lost their appeals against the severity of their sentences.

Their mother went to England after the murder of Mr Noor, but returned voluntarily in February of last year.

The hearing lasted only a couple of minutes. When she spoke she could barely be heard above a courtroom packed with several juries waiting to be sworn in for different trials. When asked how she intended to plead, she said only one word – “guilty”

Her guilty plea meant that it was unnecessary for a jury to be sworn in at the Central Criminal Court. Mr Justice Paul Carney remanded Mulhall in custody for sentencing on May 5th.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times