Murder investigation after woman's body found

Gardai in Blanchardstown, Co Dublin, have begun a murder investigation after the body of a woman was found in her home early …

Gardai in Blanchardstown, Co Dublin, have begun a murder investigation after the body of a woman was found in her home early yesterday.

Initial post-mortem results indicate the 45-year-old woman was strangled.

Her body was found on the living room floor of her house at Corduff Grove by ambulance workers who had been alerted by a 999 phone call just after midnight on Wednesday. The ambulance crew in turn contacted the Garda after bruising and other marks had been identified on the woman's neck.

The woman, who is originally from Denmark and has three children from a previous marriage, was pronounced dead at the scene. She lived in the house with her partner.


Gardai had yet to release her name last night as all her family members not been contacted.

The death was initially treated as suspicious by gardai. However, a full-scale murder investigation was put in place after the completion of a post-mortem on the body by the Assistant State Pathologist, Dr Marie Cassidy.

The scene has been sealed off for investigation by forensic experts and door-to-door inquiries have begun.

Supt Mick Roche of Blanchardstown Garda station, who is leading the investigation, said a number of lines of inquiry were being followed.

"The results of the post-mortem would indicate strangulation. A major murder investigation has been launched on the basis of these results," said Supt Roche.

He added that there were no definite signs of a break-in. However, "we're not ruling anything out". It was unclear last night who had notified the ambulance service. Supt Roche said that was one of a number of matters to be investigated.

No arrests have been made.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column