A summary of the main points of the Nama rescue plan
* Nama will pay €54 billion for €77 billion worth of property-related loans held by AIB, Bank of Ireland, Anglo Irish Bank, EBS and Irish Nationwide.
* Nama will pay €7 billion more than the market value of €47 billion to reflect long-term economic value.
* A fraction of the money, €2.7 billion, will be paid in the form of subordinated bonds that will only pay out if Nama makes money.
* Property prices will have to recover by 1 per cent a year over 10 years for Nama to make money.
* Nama valuations of banks’ property-related loans are based on the assumption that prices have fallen 50 per cent since 2007 and are now close to the bottom.
* No new measures to ensure that banks lend on the money they receive from Nama.
* Banks will be given time to find new investors or else the State will take equity stakes.
* Bank guarantee scheme will be revised and extended.
* Windfall tax on land speculation will be introduced at committee stage.
* Anglo Irish Bank is the largest participant and will sell loans of €28 billion to Nama.