Naval Service divers recover human remains near wreck of fishing vessel

Naval Service divers have recovered human remains in north Galway Bay, close to the wreck of a Spanish fishing vessel on which…

Naval Service divers have recovered human remains in north Galway Bay, close to the wreck of a Spanish fishing vessel on which 12 crew lost their lives late last year.

The remains were taken ashore at Rossaveal, Co Galway, last night for examination. A search of the area off the Skerd rocks will continue today.

Six bodies are still missing from the wreck of the British registered Arosa, which ran on to the rocks while running for shelter in a southerly gale on October 3rd.

Only one of the 13 crew members survived.


Naval divers had searched the area immediately after the accident, but the weather deteriorated and winter set in.

The wreck is in 24 metres of water and is strewn over the sea bottom, a Naval Service spokesman said yesterday.

The diving team will carry out a systematic search while weather permits. The Naval Service patrol ship, LE Aisling, is providing support for the divers.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times