New guide on options for SSIA holders

A new guide on saving and investment options for SSIAs was published today by the Financial Regulator.

A new guide on saving and investment options for SSIAs was published today by the Financial Regulator.

The watchdog said that many people who have spent the last five years putting money aside for their SSIA may want to continue the habit.

Savings and Investments Made Easy also gives independent information for people who want to start saving for the first time.

It explains how various savings and investments products work and how people can invest directly in the stock market.


The Regulator's Head of Consumer Information, Sharon Donnery said: "Since SSIAs have started to mature, people have been contacting us for information to help them make a decision about their savings or investments.

"With so many savings and investment products on the market, it can be difficult to know what the best option is for you. Our new guide is a really good place to start and will help you to make a choice about what you want to do with your money."