New head of An Taisce is elected

THE new president of An Taisce, Dr David Jeffrey, has said he will place an emphasis on "building bridges" between industrialists…

THE new president of An Taisce, Dr David Jeffrey, has said he will place an emphasis on "building bridges" between industrialists and environmentalists during his four-year term of office.

Calling for greater co-operation between Government Departments, businesses and An Taisce, he said: "My philosophy is that we have to do a lot more connecting in Ireland."

An environmental scientist at Trinity College Dublin, Dr Jeffrey (59) takes over as president from Mr David Rowe.

A former chairman of An Taisce's environment executive committee, he has been a member of the trust's council since 1971.


He became the first director of Trinity College's environmental science unit in 1979, and is currently head of the undergraduate environmental science course.

Born in London, he was educated in England and Australia before moving to Ireland 30 years ago. He lives in Howth, Dublin.

The new chairman of An Taisce is Dr Philip Geoghegan, a lecturer in architecture at University College Dublin.

A conservationist with a strong interest in both rural and urban architectural heritage, Dr Geoghegan takes over as chairman from Prof Frank Con very.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column