New Labour Relations Commission board appointed

The Minsiter for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mr Micheal Martin, today announced the new board of the Labour Relations Commission…

The Minsiter for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mr Micheal Martin, today announced the new board of the Labour Relations Commission.

The new board took up office on 1 April 2006 and has been appointed for a term of 3 years.

Minister Martin also announced the appointment of a new ministerial nominee, Gerard Barry, and a new employers' nominee Pat McCann.

The four other members of the new Board are employers' nominee Mr Brendan McGinty, workers' nominees Mr Peter Bunting and Mr Peter McLoone, and Ministerial nominee Ms Breege O'Donoghue.


The existing chairman of the commission, Maurice Cashell, has been reappointed for his second term of 3 years.

The outgoing members are Josephine Feehily of the Revenue Commissioners, who was a board member for 6 years, and Liam Downey who has taken on the role of chairman of the Health Service Executive. Downey was a member of the board for more than 11 years.