No campaign group's posters criticised over 'false claims'

EUTHANASIA: THE LISBON Treaty has no bearing whatsoever on Ireland’s legal position on euthanasia, Fine Gael spokesman on mental…

EUTHANASIA:THE LISBON Treaty has no bearing whatsoever on Ireland's legal position on euthanasia, Fine Gael spokesman on mental health Dan Neville said yesterday.

Mr Neville, who was a founder member of the Irish Association of Suicidology, said posters erected by Cóir were “morally wrong” because they made “false claims about such an emotional issue”.

The poster features a foetus and an elderly woman with the message “Trust EU Assurances? Not on Their Lives. Vote No”.

“The raising of euthanasia in the context of the upcoming referendum is dishonest and wrong.


“The treaty has no bearing whatsoever on Ireland’s legal position on such issues, as has been confirmed by legal experts, the Irish Catholic bishops and the Referendum Commission.”

He said the EU has no competence in the area of euthanasia.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times