No decision on match

The Government will issue no specific directive or advice to the FAI about whether or not it should proceed with the Republic…

The Government will issue no specific directive or advice to the FAI about whether or not it should proceed with the Republic of Ireland's European Championship qualifier against Yugoslavia next month.

Cabinet is due to discuss the controversy today, but senior government sources last night cast doubt on the prospect of any advice emerging from the meeting.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews, is expected to brief his Government colleagues on last week's General Affairs meeting of EU Ministers. That decided to encourage sporting organisations in member states not to maintain links or contacts with their Yugoslav counterparts.

The Government is not expected to go further than the position adopted by the EU Ministers. Sources said it was anxious to a void embroiling itself in the matter.


Peter Byrne adds: In a separate development, UEFA yesterday confirmed that arrangements for the game are still in place but added that it reserves the right to reassess the situation at a meeting of its Executive Committee in Barcelona on May 26th.