North American storms halt Irish flights to US

Transatlantic passengers face disruption today after three flights to the US were cancelled over severe storms in eastern North…

Transatlantic passengers face disruption today after three flights to the US were cancelled over severe storms in eastern North America.

Two morning flights to New York and one to Boston were dropped. The airline said it was trying to accommodate the 700 passengers on other flights.

Aer Lingus spokesman Mr Dan Loughrey told this morning flights affected were EI105, EI11 and EI133.

The corresponding return flights from the US are also off.


Disruption at Dublin Airport is also expected later today as hundreds of staff stop work for one-hour work in support of 150 British Midland workers.

The dispute is now in its fifth week.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times