Northern minister studying smoking ban

A full Northern Ireland smoking ban could be in place in 2007 if the health minister there has his way.

A full Northern Ireland smoking ban could be in place in 2007 if the health minister there has his way.

Shaun Woodward will meet Minister for Health Mary Harney this morning to discuss the implementation of the ban here, but he was already speaking enthusiastically about it in a Dublin pub yesterday.

"The Irish Government has been pioneering in introducing a full ban here. New York and Dublin have led the way. I think what has happened here in Dublin has been spectacular."

He said it was "really good" to see people out in bars and restaurants, having a good time and "the air isn't full of acrid smoke".


The British Labour MP for St Helen's in Merseyside enjoyed a pint of Guinness in Doheny and Nesbitts with Minister for Social and Family Affairs Séamus Brennan yesterday.

Mr Woodward said a partial ban would be introduced. He was studying the experience of this State and of New York and, based on his findings, he would decide in the autumn "whether to go for a full ban".

Mr Woodward and Mr Brennan had a working lunch yesterday to discuss cross-Border co-operation on social security issues.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times