Nuclear-armed bomber flies over US

US: A US bomber mistakenly flew with nuclear warheads over the United States last week, but the air force yesterday said the…

US:A US bomber mistakenly flew with nuclear warheads over the United States last week, but the air force yesterday said the flight was not a threat to public safety.

The air force has started an investigation into the incident and a review of all operational procedures.

"All evidence we have seen so far points to an isolated mistake," said Lieut Col Edward Thomas, an air force spokesman.

"It is important to note that munitions were safe, secure and under military control at all times . . . The weapons were safe and remained in air force control and custody at all times," Lieut Col Thomas said.


The military holds to a no-discussion policy on nuclear weapons matters, and Lieut Col Thomas did not confirm nuclear weapons aboard the B-52.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman also would not comment on the incident. But one defence official confirmed the missiles were nuclear. The B-52 flew from a base in North Dakota to Barksdale base in Louisiana last Thursday.