Orange bonfires go green as DUP backs eco-friendly beacon

STORMONT ENVIRONMENT Minister Sammy Wilson is supporting tests by Belfast City Council into the use of eco-friendly beacons which…

STORMONT ENVIRONMENT Minister Sammy Wilson is supporting tests by Belfast City Council into the use of eco-friendly beacons which could replace traditional loyalist bonfires on the night before the Twelfth.

The new metal-framed beacons cost £12,000 (€15,000) each, however, and burn only wood.

The council wants to know how many times the beacons can be reused.

Bonfires are traditionally built by local communities and can include all manner of waste material, including tyres.


One beacon was tested in east Belfast last summer as part of a policy to find less destructive and polluting ways of marking the climax of the loyalist marching season.

Mr Wilson said the drive for a cleaner alternative would come not just from his department.

"There is going to be a requirement for a range of government departments to look at how might be funded," he said.

Pointing to other possible benefits he added: "The savings in terms of police time, fire service time, in terms of the environment where you don't have these huge bonfires with tyres and what-not on them, I think can be immense."

One of the new-style beacons was tested in Belfast on Sunday and Mr Wilson promised he was not out to undermine loyalist tradition.

"We in government recognise the important cultural significance of bonfires within various community celebrations throughout Northern Ireland," he said.

"We do not want to undermine tradition. However, we cannot overlook the fact that they have increasingly become environmental liabilities, stacked with heavily polluting tyres and wooden pallets.

"Too often, they are also being used by unscrupulous businesses to illegally dispose of their commercial waste without paying, or adhering to safe and secure methods.

"Beacons are a practical, more environmentally sustainable alternative to highly polluting bonfires," he said.

"Bonfires evolved from the centuries-old practice of relays of beacons used in celebrations. Belfast City Council's initiative is in fact bringing us back to their proper, traditional use."