Organisers cancel rally for Ukraine PM

Supporters of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich today cancelled a mass rally intended to press their campaign against a decree…

Supporters of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich today cancelled a mass rally intended to press their campaign against a decree by Ukraine's president dissolving parliament and ordering a new election.

Organisers called off the rally in Independence Square, focal point of 2004 "Orange Revolution" protests, at the last moment on Easter Monday - a public holiday - citing poor weather.

A small crowd in the square listened to speakers amid freezing drizzle. Mr Yushchenko has been sniping with Mr Yanukovich over powers and dissolved the legislature after accusing the coalition backing the prime minister of poaching his allies.

Parliament, which has challenged the president's decree in the Constitutional Court, issued an appeal today to foreign governments to send observers to Ukraine.


Members set up a commission to examine what they said was pressure on the court. Ukraine's opposition, which backs the president's call for a new parliamentary election next month, has scheduled a rally for Tuesday in central Kiev