Parties 'failing' people in North, says SDLP

PEOPLE’S TRUST in Northern Ireland has been broken by the DUP and Sinn Féin which are unable to see beyond their own narrow self…

PEOPLE’S TRUST in Northern Ireland has been broken by the DUP and Sinn Féin which are unable to see beyond their own narrow self-interest, SDLP deputy leader Patsy McGlone told his party’s annual conference in Belfast last night.

Mr McGlone said it was vital that the Northern Executive demonstrate that it could work together for all the people of Northern Ireland.

Addressing the party’s 39th conference, the Mid-Ulster Assembly member said it was imperative that the five parties in the Northern Executive quickly agree a budget for the year ahead.

The conference, under leader Margaret Ritchie, is being held just six months ahead of next May’s Assembly election, a poll that some fear could cause political paralysis and prevent the Executive finalising a budget.


Mr McGlone intimated that such an outcome could play into the hands of dissident republicans.

“The danger of continued failure by Sinn Féin and the DUP should not be underestimated. In failing to agree a budget, they are failing our future generations. Our children deserve better,” he said.

The people’s trust had been broken by the failed politics of the recent past, broken by an Executive controlled by parties who were still unable to see beyond their own narrow party interest, he added.

“There are those still wedded to the failed violence of the past, they haven’t gone away either. They listen to the hypocritical words of those once wedded to that same failed violence and they’re not convinced. It will take more than words to show them they are wrong. It will take an Executive working successfully together, not parties failing separately.”

South Belfast MP Dr Alasdair McDonnell, during a debate on the economy, said there were many people generating new business ideas in Northern Ireland but “they feel deeply frustrated by the inaction” of the Northern Executive and Assembly.

“They tell me time and time again our devolved government is more interested in ticking bureaucratic boxes than delivering results.”

Dr McDonnell said the SDLP was consulting businesses involved in tourism, renewable energy, construction, new technologies, bio-technology and food production “to spell out clearly where we want to be economically in 10-20 years time and how exactly we plan to get there”.

* BBC Northern Ireland says a two-day strike by members of the National Union of Journalists at the BBC over yesterday and today will not disrupt plans to broadcast the SDLP leader’s keynote address at noon this afternoon.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times