Peacock Theatre director appointed

Ms Ali Curran is to be the new director of the Peacock Theatre

Ms Ali Curran is to be the new director of the Peacock Theatre. Her appointment is one of four to be announced today by the National Theatre's artistic director, Mr Ben Barnes.

As director of the Dublin Fringe Festival for four years Ms Curran has seen the Fringe grow in profile and commercial viability. Her new role will require her to relaunch and rebrand the smaller of the two theatres at the National Theatre around a programme of mainly new and experimental works. She takes up her appointment next January.

Mr Jocelyn Clarke, formerly theatre critic with the Sunday Tribune newspaper, has been appointed commissioning manager for the National Theatre.

The new casting director, Ms Marie Kelly, has been at the theatre since 1993, as PA to the general manager and the artistic director. Ms Orla Flanagan has already taken up her appointment as the new literary officer.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times