Pensions ombudsman's office opens in Dublin

The office of the new Pensions Ombudsman, Mr Paul Kenny, was officially opened in Dublin this morning.

The office of the new Pensions Ombudsman, Mr Paul Kenny, was officially opened in Dublin this morning.

Mr Kenny, who has statutory independent status, will investigate complaints from members of the public about the operation of occupational pensions schemes and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs).

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr Kenny, said: "I have no doubt of the need for this office. Mistakes do take place; administration standards are not always what they should be.

"I can never see the day coming when the Pensions Ombudsman is applying for redundancy. But I hope that, in the process of delivering redress to those who have complaints, the experience and knowledge we gain from what's actually happening out there can be fed back into the system and may help to build the foundations of better practice for the future."Mr Kenny is a former Chairman of the Retirement Planning Council of Ireland.


The Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Ms Coughlan, who opened the ombudsman's office, said the move represented an important element in the reform process which commenced with the passing of new pensions laws last year.

Ms Coughlan noted that under the new laws, employers would be required to provide access to their workers from September 15th. She urged employers to study the material they had received and to avail of the "many supports" offered to them by pensions providers to help them in discharging their responsibilities.

The Pensions Ombudsman's office is at 36 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2.