A five-year plan to tackle accidents and fatalities on Irish farms, which have claimed the lives of 200 people in the last decade, will be launched on Monday.
It aims to address the fact that 32 per cent of all workplace fatalities occur in the agricultural sector, despite the fact that it accounts for less than 10 per cent of the workforce.
Mr Frank Laffey of Teagasc, the agriculture and food development board, who chairs the action group publishing the plan, said it was very unfortunate that 43 of the lives lost were children.
"These are shocking statistics that reveal the extent of tragedy and suffering visited on the farming community."
For the past year, the Farm Safety Action Group has been working on the plan to reduce farm fatalities and to make farms safer places. It will be launched on Monday, and will mark the beginning of Farm Safety Week.
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) chief executive, Mr Tom Beegan, acknowledged the work of the action group. "I sincerely believe that the work of the Farm Safety Action Group will make a tangible difference over the coming years."
He said the group has drawn on the experience and commitment of key players in the agriculture sector.
Mr Brian Higgison, senior agriculture inspector with the HSA, urged all farmers to put safety at the top of their agenda during Farm Safety Week.
During the week, the HSA will be carrying out farm inspections and will be available to give advice and assistance to farmers on safety.