Police board given last oversight report

Northern Ireland's Oversight Commissioner today briefed the Policing Board on his final report before leaving office.

Northern Ireland's Oversight Commissioner today briefed the Policing Board on his final report before leaving office.

Al Hutchinson presented the new board members with his report on the implementation of the recommendations made by the Independent Commission on Policing (Patten commission).

He also handed over to the board responsibility for overseeing many of the remaining areas of change in policing arrangements outlined in the Patten report.

Newly re-elected chair of the Policing Board Prof Desmond Rea said: "Over the past six and a half years, the Office of the Oversight Commissioner has overseen the implementation of the 175 recommendations outlined in the Report of the Independent Commission on Policing.


"The board notes his confirmation that 140 recommendations have been implemented."

Prof Rea said Mr Hutchinson and his predecessor, Tom Constantine, have had a "fundamental and unique role" in the delivery of the significant changes that have taken place in policing in Northern Ireland.

Prof Rea said the Policing Board, as part of its governance role, will now take on responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the majority of the remaining recommendations.