Political parties were paid over €6m last year

More than €6.5 million was paid by the State to political parties last year according to figures released today by the Standards…

More than €6.5 million was paid by the State to political parties last year according to figures released today by the Standards in Public Office Commission.

The report shows that Fianna Fáil received a total of €2.39 million, Fine Gael €2.41 million, Labour €1.21 million, the PDs €299,598, the Greens €180,332, Sinn Féin €124,889 and the Socialist Party got €51,172.

The funding pays for administrative expenses and to employ staff but cannot be spent on electoral or referendum campaigns.

It can also be used to pay for PR, research and consultant or legal advice on legislative proposals.


Funding is allocated under the Electoral Acts and the Party Leaders Allowance. Each party’s share is decided on the basis of its vote in the last election and number of TDs.

Increased funding introduced under the Electoral Acts introduced last November means that next year’s figures will be higher. The parties’ allocations will also change in line with the results of the General Election in May.

Most of the money was spent on general administration, and the provision of consultant services such as PR, research and policy formulation.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times