Fine Gael leadership race may not begin for months, Varadkar says

Minister for Social Protection announces plans to merge USC and PRSI into one

Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar is one of the frontrunners in the race to replace Enda Kenny as leader of Fine Gael. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

Fine Gael may not begin a leadership campaign for a number of months, the Minister for Social Protection has said.

Leo Varadkar, one of the frontrunners in the race to replace Enda Kenny as leader, said the contest may not be initiated for some time.

Mr Varadkar was responding to questions regarding his proposals to merge the Universal Social Charge with Pay Related Social Insurance.

Asked if this was the beginning of his campaign, the Minister responded: “Well if I was listen to my dear colleagues in the media, that campaign has been underway for six years apparently.


“I am not sure if an op-ed on tax and social insurance constitutes that but I do think whenever this contest does happen and it may well be months, I think it is important that it should be ideas for the future and how we are going to make our country better and how we are going to make our party better and turn it into a fighting force again.”

Mr Varadkar announced his ambition to merge the two charges into a new charge simply called Social Insurance.

Many believed this was the beginning of his campaign to replace Mr Kenny as leader of Fine Gael.

The Taoiseach has said he will make his intentions known to his party after a meeting of the European Council on April 29th.

Minister for Education Richard Bruton said this would be an important contest for the future of Fine Gael.

Mr Bruton said this should be an opportunity to debate the direction of the party.

He said: “A leadership period is going to be very important to get ideas out and to carve out a path for the future of this country.

“We are fortunate to have plenty of quality within Fine Gael to help shape that.”

Asked about Mr Varadkar’s tax plans, the Minister for Education said no individual makes party policy but he supported the principle.