General Election speculation rises with ballot paper advert

Contract worth €400,000 will be awarded for supply of ballot papers and posters

General Election 2011 Ballot papers at the Dublin City Count Centre at the RDS for the Dublin constituencies. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times.

In a development sure to increase speculation that a General Election is imminent, the Government has tendered for a supply of ballot papers.

A € 400,000 contract will be awarded for supplying ballot papers and posters for Dáil elections and byelections, according to an advertisement posted on the etenders website.

The last possible date for a General Election is April 9th 2016. Speculation in political circles is that the poll will take place next spring, although the possibility of an autumn election has not been ruled out.

However, a source with knowledge of the situation said the placing this week of an advertisement for ballot papers and posters should not be construed as giving an indication of when an election might or might not be held.


The posters referred to would be enlarged sample ballot papers for display in polling stations. Byelection ballot papers are also being requested in the event of unexpected developments after the General Election. Seven byelections have taken place since the 2011 General Election.

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin is described as "the contracting authority for this public procurement competition" in the advertisement.

According to the advertisement, Mr Howlin, on behalf of the Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly, "invites responses to this Request for Tenders from economic operators to establish a Single Supplier Framework Contract".

The duration of the contract will be 24 months from the date it is awarded. The closing date for applications is October 19th.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times