Health most popular election issue for Irish Facebook users

Politics most discussed issue on site, Enda Kenny most talked about party leader

Elizabeth Linder, Facebook’s politics and government specialist, said: ‘We’ve seen previously in other countries that conversation on Facebook has increased voter turnout.’ Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Health is the number one general election issue Irish people are talking about on Facebook, according to new figures released today.

Facebook, which is the most popular social media platform in Ireland with more than 2.2 million members, published new information on conversations people have been having on the site about the election since November 2015 to last Tuesday.

More than 50 per cent of the three million likes, shares or comments made by 600, 000 people on election-related topics were health.

It was followed by the economy at 42 per cent, infrastructure at 36 per cent, social welfare at 24 per cent and crime and corruption at 23 per cent.


Taoiseach Enda Kenny was the most discussed party leader and prominent political figure with more than two thirds of the comments relating to the Fine Gael leader.

Tánaiste and Labour leader Joan Burton was second at 39 per cent, in third place was Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams at 17 per cent, next was Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin at 9 per cent and the Green Party's Eamon Ryan in fifth place at 1 per cent.

The statistics do not show if the discussions about the political figures were positive or negative.

Elizabeth Linder, Facebook's politics and government specialist, said politics was the most discussed topic on the social media site last year.

“With An Taoiseach Enda Kenny having only just officially called the election, we would expect to see that level of conversation rise further as we approach polling day,” she said.

“We’ve seen previously in other countries that conversation on Facebook has increased voter turnout.”

Fine Gael were the most talked about party at 53 per cent, followed by Sinn Féin, Labour and Fianna Fáil in fourth.

Over in Twitter, the election has attracted more than 58,000 tweets since campaigning started just over 48 hours ago.

A spokesman said 84 per cent of the candidates have an account with Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams being the most followed.

However, it is Enda Kenny who is mentioned the most in conversations.


Top issues:

1. Health 52 per cent

2. Economy 42 per cent

3. Infrastructure 36 per cent

4. Social Welfare 24 per cent

5. Crime and Corruption 23 per cent

6. Housing 20 per cent

7. Education 14 per cent

8. Flooding 11 per cent

9. Abortion 6 per cent

Top party leaders:

1. Enda Kenny TD (Fine Gael) 68 per cent

2. Joan Burton TD (Labour) 39 per cent

3. Gerry Adams TD (Sinn Féin) 17 per cent

4. Micheál Martin TD (Fianna Fáil) 9 per cent

5. Eamon Ryan (Green Party) 1 per cent

Top parties:

1. Fine Gael 53 per cent

2. Sinn Féin 42 per cent

3. Labour 40 per cent

4. Fianna Fáil 36 per cent

5. Green Party 7 per cent

6. Renua 5 per cent

7. Social Democrats 5 per cent

8. People Before Profit Alliance 4 per cent

9. Anti Austerity Alliance 4 per cent

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times