Kenny criticises Martin’s ‘desperate’ attack on Fine Gael

Fianna Fáil leader claims people are telling him they do not want Taoiseach reappointed

Taoiseach Enda Kenny visiting a pharmaceutical company in Amsterdam on Wednesday. Photograph: Sarah Bardon/The Irish Times

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has criticised Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin for a making a desperate attack on his leadership.

Speaking on RTÉ radio on Wednesday Mr Martin alleged people did not want Mr Kenny re-elected as Taoiseach and said Fine Gael's tax policies would damage public services.

Responding from the Netherlands, the Taoiseach said Mr Martin's comments were an attempt to distract voters from the battle Fianna Fáil was having with Sinn Féin.

Mr Kenny said: “Fianna Fáil’s desperate attack this morning is something that is now beginning to convulse the party.”


Mr Martin had told the Sean O'Rourke Programme voters did not want Mr Kenny reappointed and said this view had been shared with him while canvassing.

He has also claimed in recent days that Fine Gael would seek to implement the most right-wing programme in the history of the State if re-elected.

The Taoiseach said he would not accept criticism from the Fianna Fáil leader.

‘Economic cliff’

He said: “Micheál Martin is a direct link to the party that drove our country off an economic cliff.

Mr Kenny said every single thing that Fianna Fáil has recently had to be seen in the context of the row it was having with Sinn Féin.

“The Government, on the other hand, of Fine Gael and Labour, have a clear plan and strategy to fulfil the remit given to us by the people to fix our public finances and put the country back to work.

“Fianna Fáil has opposed every one of those measures and what they want to do is go back to the same old way where they destroyed public services that we are now rebuilding.”

Mr Kenny is on a three-day trade mission in the Netherlands and Germany. He will return on Friday.