Michael Noonan has cancerous lump removed

Sarcoma removed from Minister for Finance's arm last week after weeks of radiotherapy

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has had a cancerous lump removed from his right arm, he stated tonight. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has had a cancerous lump removed from his right arm, it emerged tonight.

He said he had noticed the lump in February, after which he had five weeks of radiotherapy. The lump, a sarcoma, was removed last Wednesday, May 28th.

The Minister tonight released a statement “to ensure accuracy and clarity” on the matter.

“In February 2014 I noticed a lump on my right arm in the shoulder area. On medical examination this was identified as a sarcoma which needed to be removed.


“During late March and April I received five weeks radiotherapy at St Luke’s Hospital to shrink the sarcoma.

"Last Wednesday 28th May the sarcoma was removed at Cappagh Hospital. I was discharged on Saturday, 31st May."

He said his medical team believed the treatment had gone very well and were upbeat about the prognosis. “There is no damage to my shoulder muscle and my risk of recurrence is low,” he added.

He thanked the staff at St Luke’s Hospital and Cappagh Hospital, “and in particular my medical team”.

He said he would continue to serve as Minister for Finance “at the Taoiseach’s discretion”.