De Rossa pledges to back Coalition on abortion Bill

The leader of Democratic Left said his party would support the Government if it introduced legislation permitting abortion in…

The leader of Democratic Left said his party would support the Government if it introduced legislation permitting abortion in limited circumstances.

Mr Proinsias De Rossa told the Taoiseach: "You will not have to depend on the precarious vote of the three Independents who are currently keeping you in power and who are opposed to such a move."

He said the Irish Times opinion poll showed that 77 per cent of the voters believed that abortion should be legislated for in limited circumstances.

In view of the poll, and in view of the appalling circumstances in which a 13-year-old girl found herself in recent months, would the Taoiseach agree to bring forward legislation urgently to implement the effects of the Supreme Court judgment in the X case?


"It is clear that there is a public demand for such legislation, and this House would be failing in its duty if it did not bring it forward as a matter of urgency."

Mr Ahern said that the Minister for Health, Mr Cowen, had set out how the Government hoped to proceed on abortion. A Green Paper would be published and there would be consultation with the all-party committee on the Constitution.

If legislation was then required, he hoped that Mr De Rossa would keep to his promise and support it.

Mr De Rossa said that the procedure being followed by the Government would delay the implementation of legislation. "What is required is urgent legislation because we do not know the day or the hour when a similar situation will arise."