Labour TD is ordered to leave

Mr Michael Ferris (Labour, Tipperary South) was ordered to leave the House yesterday morning after persisting in demanding an…

Mr Michael Ferris (Labour, Tipperary South) was ordered to leave the House yesterday morning after persisting in demanding an immediate debate on the closure of Seagate.

Mr Ferris said that the only item on the agenda for the day was the Budget. "What relevance has this Budget to 1,400 people in Clonmel who are going to lose their jobs?" he asked.

After he refused to resume his seat the Ceann Comhairle, Mr Seamus Pattison, suspended him.

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, said he was shocked and saddened by the announcement of the closure. The Tanaiste, Ms Harney, he added, had left immediately to meet community leaders, politicians and others in Clonmel on Wednesday night.


She would be in the House later in the afternoon for a special debate.

The Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn, said that the Tanaiste was "down in Clonmel telling lies against my colleague, Michael Ferris."

He later withdrew the remark, adding: "I will make the statement that in her panic she accused him, on the record in front of workers, including the sister of Deputy Ferris's daughter-in-law, of being responsible for releasing this news."

Mr Conor Lenihan (FF, Dublin South West) remarked: "Be careful, Ceann Comhairle, he will be looking for a head next."

Speaking in the Dail later, Ms Harney denied making the reference to Mr Ferris. She told Labour deputies: "The story which you have heard is completely off the wall."