Maureen O'Sullivan and George Lee welcomed into Dáil

NEW TDs: BYELECTION WINNERS Independent Dublin Central TD Maureen O’Sullivan and Fine Gael Dublin South TD George Lee were formally…

NEW TDs:BYELECTION WINNERS Independent Dublin Central TD Maureen O'Sullivan and Fine Gael Dublin South TD George Lee were formally welcomed into the Dáil yesterday as family and friends watched from the public gallery.

The two new deputies sat in the lobby at the back of the Dáil chamber, Mr Lee with Fine Gael whip Paul Kehoe and Ms O’Sullivan with fellow Independent Finian McGrath (Dublin North-Central) while Dáil clerk Kieran Coughlan announced their election in Irish and in English, as a result of the byelection following the deaths of sitting Fianna Fáil TD Seamus Brennan and Independent Tony Gregory.

Ceann Comhairle John O’Donoghue then announced that “a vacancy arises in the membership in the constituency of Donegal South West following the election of Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher” to the European Parliament. Mr McGrath then called out, “Will you move the writ straight away.”

The new TDs were invited to come into the House and there was a standing ovation as Ms O’Sullivan came down the steps of the chamber with Mr McGrath and shook hands with the Ceann Comhairle, the Taoiseach and the Opposition leaders. Supporters, including Noel Gregory, brother of the late TD, stood as Ms O’Sullivan was welcomed. She took a seat beside the Sinn Féin TDs on the Opposition benches.


Fine Gael TDs cheered loudly and relatives and friends stood when it was Mr Lee’s turn to enter the Dáil. He shook hands with the Ceann Comhairle, his party leader and deputy leader Richard Bruton and then crossed over to shake hands with the Taoiseach and Labour leader Eamon Gilmore before taking his seat behind the Fine Gael leader. A Fianna Fáil backbencher called to Mr Kenny, “He’s behind you,” to laughter.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times