Noonan questioned on NewERA salary

MINISTER FOR Finance Michael Noonan said he understood the recently appointed director of NewERA had received no pay increase…

MINISTER FOR Finance Michael Noonan said he understood the recently appointed director of NewERA had received no pay increase.

Mr Noonan said Dr Eileen Fitzpatrick, a director of the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA), had been reassigned to NewEra. “Nothing in my notes would suggest that her salary position is altered, given that she was a senior executive in the NTMA,’’ he added.

He told Sinn Féin finance spokesman Pearse Doherty he could supply the details of her remuneration to him, but he did not think an issue arose.

Earlier, Taoiseach Enda Kenny refused to be drawn on the details of Dr Fitzpatrick’s salary.


Independent TD Shane Ross asked whether the procedure involved in her appointment was satisfactory to the Government.

“There was no advertising, competition or interview, and the NTMA, which for some reason has been given charge of NewERA, refused to reveal the salary of the person appointed,’’ he added.

“While a decision has been made behind closed doors in this manner is unacceptable . . . for a chief executive or director of a State body who is paid, in my estimate, in the region of €300,000 or €400,000 . . . to be appointed in this way is completely unacceptable.’’

Mr Ross asked whether Dr Fitzpatrick had the job specification and specialist knowledge required.

“The new body is not in charge of fund management, the area she was in charge of previously, but the sale of State assets,’’ he added.

“I have not seen any evidence that anybody in the NTMA is qualified to advise or give directions on the sale of State assets.’’ He asked why the Government was not directing the agency to advertise the position and hold an interview to find someone who was not an insider.

Mr Kenny said NewERA had been set up under Dr Fitzpatrick’s direction at no extra cost.

“She is eminently qualified to do this job,’’ he added.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times